弗里德萨姆纪念图书馆 is where you can find the resources needed for papers 和 projects. 图书馆还提供团体和个人学习和工作空间, 还有两个电脑室, 无线打印设备, 无线网络遍布整个大楼.
技术服务帮助台位于主楼层. 如果你需要一个安静的空间, 上楼到顶楼去, 它被指定为, 应学生要求, 作为“安静地板”.“因为图书馆是一个与用户共同工作的学术空间
of all ages, alcohol 和 tobacco products are prohibited, per University policy.
- SBU新来的? 资源 for students, faculty, 工作人员 members who are joining the university
- 图书馆职员名录
- 图书馆评核资料
- Booklet from the reception honoring our faculty 和 工作人员 authors, Fall 2022: 手册的链接
- 图书馆使命宣言
弗里德萨姆纪念图书馆 is the primary repository on campus of recorded information 和 a gateway to off-campus information sources. The library supports a globally aware, liberal education grounded in the Franciscan tradition by:
Building a collection spanning a wide array of disciplines 和 perspectives,
Providing access to collections 和 informational resources of other institutions worldwide.
这些资源和服务, 哪些符合现有的国家标准, 提供给本科生和研究生吗, 全球网赌十大网站,以及更广泛的学术界.
The library further supports the university's Franciscan tradition by sharing its unique resources 和 the talents of its 工作人员 with the greater library community.